The Heart of Pandora’s Box (2016)
When technology and innovative connections are created, the boundary of aesthetics becomes wider.
Into the age of Digital Economy and Factory 4.0, with Internet of Things as the basis, we can obviously see the industry, accommodations, materials and any kinds of smart devices that are armed with sensor systems. Like the additional organs, these innovations consequently connect people to the facilities through the frequency and help them create some different things. However, the application for more creative innovation is still limited. And it sometimes becomes a burden for some people who have no experience on the aforementioned basis. Without the imagination of how these things can affect their lives, they cannot develop their old experiences to the new basis, nor break the limitations of the old basis to the new lives.
Exterior (Imagination-Innovation)
: Awakening of Aesthetics
The prototype that reflects the deep feelings of people is created with a purpose to connect them to technology, and apply it to solve the basic problems. The purpose of the prototype is portrayed through a building representing a box of experiences and technological enigma, which gradually opens and let the stream of aesthetics and possibilities flow in every single direction. The stream will persuade the people to question about it. Similar to technology they have experienced without understanding its background, the people can access the stream in every single direction in order to solve the problems and reflect their imaginations, self-adaptability, questions, love, including desires hidden inside their minds.
Interior (Search for suitable means and objectives)
: Experience of New Basis
Simplicity is mostly adopted inside the building. Each floor is established on the ways of possibilities that link to each other with the deep winder. These ways are built to encounter and go through a flock of different stories as if they are trying to discover something at the deepest point of the heart.